
When & How to Write a Press Release

By support

Aug 11

​When & How to Write a Press Release

On this training video, you'll find a guide and real world example for:

Press releases can be quick and easy to write - especially if you already have your own personal template set up. And a steady flow of press releases will show that you have lots of happenings.

In this webinar, our AM Labs editor Jennifer Lader starts with the 34 occasions for architects to write press releases and goes over the anatomy of a press release.

This is part II of II on P.R. It takes up where part I left off, on pitching your story to the press. But if you didn't see that one, don't let it stop you! Thanks to a volunteer from among our members, we'll get to look at a real live pitch "before" and "after" Jennifer polishes it up. We'll see how she creates a press release to go with it -- all in just a few minutes!

By the end of this training, you will have your own press release template and clear guidelines for personalizing it to easily and rapidly get the word out whenever any of those 34 occasions arise.

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