The Great Online Lead Generation Challenge - A 3 Week Sprint
How many leads and appointments can you generate in 3 weeks using online advertising?
“Do ya wanna find out?”
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Contest Progress Report by Richard Petrie - Day 13
CLICK HERE for Video Transcript
We are just over mid way in the 3 week sprint to generate leads online. So far the 8 racers have brought in 40 leads.
- NOTE: As of noon on Sept. 13th there are 12 architects participating; 2 more started this morning. More leads are coming in - we're now up to 61 leads generated through online ads! - Eric
No one has busted their budget on this - most have spent less than $200.
In this video I summarize what has happened so far, you’ll see the actual ads they are running and if you want to join us it is not too late.
Watch the video for a full briefing.
- Richard
Mr Smooth, Enoch Sears has created some basic training videos so you know exactly how to approach each of the online market places (Facebook, Google and Linkedin) and how to place effective ads.
You'll see them in the left hand sidebar.
Study the video instructions from Enoch and run some tests with small amounts of money. Be prepared to invest between $100 - $500. Test your online ad following our guidelines, then record your results.
Take screen shots of your landing pages, ads, follow up emails and record the downloads, appointments, incoming emails and LCC’s.
We will collate ALL results from ALL participants in this experiment and give them all back to participants to learn from. There will be failures and success but you will be able to learn after thousands of dollars has been invested collectively so you can replicate the winners and learn from the losers. The deal is we all have to share what we did and the results so our community can learn faster than outsiders.
We will aiming to get 10 or more architects on this 3 week sprint testing online advertising so that is probably the largest concerted online marketing test for architects in history.
Officially this 3 Week Sprint will run from 1 September to 21 September. To make the process more fun those dates will be the timeframe for a lead generation competition.
There will be prizes for MOST LEADS and MOST APPOINTMENTS booked. The Godfather, Eric Bobrow, our technical genius will be running an online system that collates these measures so we can all see the leaderboard, who is winning..
Every time you get a lead, you'll submit some basic info in the Lead Submission Form in the left sidebar above. This will allow us to display a live report of new leads here in the contest member area, tabulate the progress and list the leaders day by day.
It's going to be fun, and in this case, every time a new lead comes in we ALL win.
Remember the deal is you record everything and submit back to us after the 21 September so we can collate the overall results, summarize the learnings and feed this back to you.
You will be sent video instructions and feedback as we march through this 3 week sprint.
- Richard, Enoch, Eric and the whole team at AMI