**Speaker 1**
All right, one thing we found very useful since we've been together, this is the first time actually you've got me, Eric, Enoch, and String. I met String in Sydney when we did the Thunder Down Under. Met Enoch when we came across with the family about three weeks ago and just met Eric four days ago, well, at the start of our trip. So we knew each other really well, but we'd only met each other over the internet, which is how it is these days, isn't it?
So what we've been doing in that time is a lot of planning because we've been running a business for about 18 months without having ever met each other. Just sort of, you know, how about we do this, how about we do that. So it's gone kind of well, but we're at a stage where we need to be a bit more organized and a bit more strategic. So String introduced us to this little concept, and it's a planning tool.
So all it is, is you've got four boxes. This is your three-year vision. So we need you to do this now. Knowing what you know about the mind over here, what are two things that are really important to be in your three-year vision?
Yes, it's got to be highly emotional for you. So you can do a gut test on yourself and say, right, out of a hundred, how do I feel about the three-year vision? Now, if zero is nothing and a hundred is, I'm absolutely excited about it. Where do you want to be for your three-year vision?
It's not a trick question. I'll do a little demo in a minute. And you think, oh, okay, I'm only 70 for this vision, I can't get it higher. No, you can actually get it higher by changing the picture. So, come on, it needs to be a picture. Just do a mind map, like three-year vision, whatever your goal is, and then just do some things off the side about what it looks like.
You know, it looks like this and this, and I see this happening, and this happening. Three years, here's where we are. Here's what I see, and here's what I'm feeling. You'll notice that will get you far more bang for your buck than the logical, "Oh, I want to be turning over a million dollars a year," even though it sounds like a good number. It can be a bit boring and logical. So, I see myself driving this type of car, living in this type of place, running this type of business, working this many hours, earning this much per month, whatever, whatever.
Yeah, whatever turns you on. Okay, working with these types of clients. Then what you do is, over the next 12 months, what do I have to do? If that's the image, what would I have to do 12 months from now?
What would have to be in place? And then you just create another little picture. Okay, I see myself in 12 months. That's happened, this has happened, I see this happening, and I see this happening.
Right? And then 90 days. So based on that and based on this being 12 months away, because we can see the big picture and we can see the nearer picture, I mean, some of you might have got a plan, but let's go through it again because you might be able to make it better. So, 90 days.
What has to happen in the next 90 days? What are the five to eight things, only, what are the five to eight things that you want to have put in place? It may only be five things, maybe three things, I don't know, but that would lead to that. Okay, and then this one is seven days.
Now here's how you work this: once you've got a plan that you're happy with here, here, and here, all you do is you get a post-it note each seven days. I thought this was very clever. And you just write down, here are the three things I want to do in the next seven days. You know, bang, bang, bang.
So, and you stick it in this corner here. Right? That's it. And that's, you know, so this goes up on your wall and you've got what I'm doing in the next three days.
And can you see how this, I can see that by doing this, it will lead me to this. By doing this, it leads me to this. By doing this, it leads me to this. Ah, I feel like I've got a bit of a plan that all fits together here.
Okay. And then in seven days' time, once you've done those three things, you take this one off and you put this one on. You go, right, here's my plan. Here's what I'm going to achieve for the next three days.
Makes sense. Now let's do a little, I just want to show you, just with this images and emotions thing very quickly. I'll go to a chair if we can do a demo. I need someone who wants to have a bit of fun. Who maybe wants to achieve something, but their motivation level to go and do it is maybe not as high as it needs to be to go out and make it easy for them to go and do it. Something simple, I don't want anything too complex, but just something simple.
I just need a quick demo from someone. John, come on, give him a clap. Okay, what's your thing, John?
**Speaker 2**
I need to get accounting practices in.
**Speaker 1**
Great, okay. You sure do. Right.
So, now we'll just watch why his, okay, out of 10 or out of 100, let's say out of 100, where are you on a motivational scale to want to go and put that in place? Because you've been obviously there for a while. 4. 4, okay.
Okay, so 4. Now let's see why it's 4. When you think about getting your accounting system in place, so he's been thinking about this for a while, I presume, and you've procrastinated on it. Okay, so 4 is not enough to go and do anything about it.
Okay, so when you think about getting your accounting system done, what do you see? Sorry.
**Speaker 3**
What do I see?
**Speaker 2**
**Speaker 3**
Just some unknown.
**Speaker 1**
Right. Just unknown roadblock. Everyone will want to chip in here, but I just want to hear it from John, because I actually want to pull it out of his head.
Just the same way you want to pull out the exact thing that your clients want to, need to be seeing. Okay, so what do you see?
**Speaker 2**
I see trying to make the time to do it when I'm busy with other things.
**Speaker 1**
Right. And what does that lead to, trying to make time? And what's the consequence of that? You just feeling?
**Speaker 2**
Well, it's easy to revert to what I know to do and what I do well versus stepping into an unknown.
**Speaker 1**
Okay, unknown. Okay, and that keeps him at 4. Right, he knows he's seeing a picture.
He sees himself trying to make time to do it but basically from what I hear from that failing because you're too busy and you've got other things which are more of a priority and it sort of feels a little bit stressful and feels like you're robbing time from stuff that'll make you money.
**Speaker 2**
**Speaker 1**
Right. So that's what he's seeing. That's what he's seeing.
So inside his subconscious, that's what he's seeing. And that type of stressful 4 is what he's feeling. See that? That's why he's at 4, because of what he's seeing. Now, if you were to jump, you would have been 10 for anything in life or you absolutely had to do it right now?
**Speaker 2**
**Speaker 1**
Yeah, of course. Okay, you've been 6 for anything?
**Speaker 2**
6, I suppose.
**Speaker 1**
Oh yeah, yeah, push me over the top.
**Speaker 2**
You know what that would feel like if you were at 6 out of 10?
**Speaker 2**
I think so.
**Speaker 1**
Yeah, okay. So I want you to jump up to 6 for the accounting. Tell me when you're there. 6 out of 10 yet? You know, I'm feeling better about it. Got it?
**Speaker 2**
Not yet.
**Speaker 1**
Okay, keep going. Hurry up. I'm sorry.
**Speaker 2**
It's all right.
**Speaker 3**
It's all right. Okay, so how do I get to a 6?
**Speaker 2**
Okay, alright, got it. Done, right. See that?
**Speaker 1**
Okay. How do you feel at 6? What's the difference in feeling? I feel like some progress is being made.
**Speaker 2**
**Speaker 1**
And what do you see?
**Speaker 2**
I see I've contacted somebody and identified who can help me learn what I need to learn and get some system in place.
**Speaker 1**
Great, so he sees that. Notice that? He didn't know he'd seen it, but he's just seen that because he just told me that's what he's seen.
**Speaker 1**
Feel good?
**Speaker 2**
I feel better.
**Speaker 1**
Yeah just getting someone else to help you and get it done.
**Speaker 2**
You got a warm fuzzy going on.
**Speaker 1**
Yeah different feeling. Is it easier to
go and take action when you got a warm fuzzy going on than when you're feeling a bit stressed?
**Speaker 2**
**Speaker 1**
Of course it is. So can you change your motivation level and go up and down like a yo-yo? Of course you can. It depends on what you're seeing and how you're feeling.
Well you know, it depends on what you see and how that makes you feel.
**Speaker 2**
Okay. Can I go make a phone call?
**Speaker 1**
You're ready to go aren't you? Let's go.
**Speaker 1**
Just for the demonstration, let's slow it down a little bit. Take yourself up to 8.
**Speaker 2**
**Speaker 1**
So now I am really, I'm ready almost. Well I am actually, you could do it at 8. So what do you see now? See how easy this is? Right? He just doubled his motivation level for something. You'd say, oh, they're not motivated clients, they're not motivated.
That's because they're seeing the wrong thing. If you can help them change the picture, well, look what happens. His motivation has doubled 100% in about two minutes, and he said he couldn't, and he didn't know how to at the start because no one does. But it's really tough, isn't it?
Right up to level 8.
**Speaker 2**
So at 8 I'm feeling relieved that things are kicking in gear. That the process has started and I know I'm moving in the right direction.
**Speaker 1**
Yep, and what do you see in terms of things happening?
**Speaker 2**
Okay, I've got someone doing the books for me, and I have some understanding of how to pull the information I need to generate the reports I need and get some good feedback on how I can run my business.
**Speaker 1**
Awesome, nice, good. Feel good?
**Speaker 2**
**Speaker 1**
It feels like not as hard as you thought maybe. No? No, okay. 10.
**Speaker 1**
10? 10, like that's it, gotta do it. You can get your phone out after this.
**Speaker 2**
Good one. Right, you ready?
**Speaker 1**
Yeah. Got 10? Yeah. It's like I've got to do it and I actually want to do it and I'm highly fired up for it and nothing's actually going to stop me, not even this workshop today.
**Speaker 1**
Right. What do you see now?
**Speaker 2**
I'm debt free. Everything is paid off. Awesome.
**Speaker 2**
And I'm no longer going month to month wondering how things are going to be met financially.
**Speaker 1**
Great, and he's made that a link between being debt free and sorting his accounting stuff out. Feel good?
**Speaker 2**
**Speaker 1**
Yeah, do you want to go and sort something out? Yeah. Yeah. Now can you see everybody?
He's at 10 now, you're at 10?
**Speaker 2**
Thanks. Yeah? Yeah.
**Speaker 1**
You're not just making this up just for, you know, we had a little chat earlier. John, can you just be part of the scam that we're running? It's what you all thought when you first joined, wasn't it? Half the people are only here just to see if we really turn up.
So right, he's debt free, his accounting system's sorted, he's very simple, all he does is go and pull out the correct numbers and he knows what's going on.
**Speaker 2**
Did you take a picture of that?
**Speaker 1**
Absolutely. Copyright Richard Petrie.
**Speaker 1**
Right, now what did you notice? What did you notice while you were just doing this exercise?
**Speaker 5**
I was feeling better with each step. I was feeling more empowered, more encouraged to do what I needed to do.
**Speaker 1**
Good. See a change in his body language?
**Speaker 5**
**Speaker 1**
Yeah, was it fast? It's because we knew exactly what to do, right? Just change what he sees, which changes what he feels. Now, I don't know what he needs to see.
This is a secret to it. I don't know what he needs to see. I don't know what he needs to see, but he does, just like Charles knew what he needed to see yesterday. I don't need to have the answer, I just need a good question to ask to get them to tell me what the answer is.
As soon as he sees it, he feels it. And because he's seeing it, remember the subconscious doesn't understand the difference between what's real and what's imagined even though he hasn't like seen it all sorted out logically he knows he hasn't done it yet but because he's seen it seeing is believing and that gives him as if it's happened. You need to go and do something quickly but that's good. Okay, so any comments or thoughts on that?
**Speaker 6**
**Speaker 6**
How do you do this like with yourself? Do you need somebody else?
**Speaker 3**
It seems like it's easier if you've got somebody else to kind of...
**Speaker 1**
Yes. I'll show you. I'll show you. It's really tough.
Okay? Right. So what did I do? What question did I ask him?
Yeah, so you're at 4 and then I think I said something like, take yourself to 6, so get the feeling first. Because we've all been 4, 6, 8, we're 10 for some things at the moment, right? So we've all been it, we all know what it feels like if we get there. So just take yourself there, get the motivation level and then say right, what am I seeing now? Now just look, everybody, take yourself to level 6, what you think is a level 6.
Level 6 motivation for following through and implementing stuff you've learned at this workshop. Everyone got it? Hands up when you're at 6. Right, it's like, yeah, it's cool, okay?
Take yourself up to, and think about what you're seeing to be at level 6 for actually implementing this stuff. What do you see?
**Speaker 7**
More motivation?
**Speaker 1**
Yeah. Well, you feel more motivation, don't you? But you see yourself being more motivated. Exactly.
Okay, you can feel the different energy. Take yourself up to level 8. That's like you're buzzing a bit now, but like he was. Got that?
You might have to move in your chair. Can you feel level 8? It's not, you're just telling us it, right? Right, 10 where you're like, you're absolutely committed.
I must at least implement two things from this workshop. Bang, and I am level 10 about doing it. Like, you couldn't stop me. Nothing will stop me.
Because I must. I've got to get at least the first two things done. That I decide I'm going to do. Nothing, right?
Bang. It's almost like if I don't, I'm going to stop breathing. I'm that motivated. But it was fun.
I'm excited about it. Everyone's sort of got something pretty high and feeling good energy. Well, that's what you do. Simple as that.
What would it take to go to 6, 10? But just to link it in, you can say, right now I'm at 10, what am I seeing? Okay, I'm seeing myself getting stuff done really quickly, like immediately. I'm not waiting till I get back. I'm getting two things done before I even leave Las Vegas, you know, something like that. I'm seeing this, I'm seeing that. I don't know what you're seeing, right? But you need to know what you're seeing and just write it down.
Yeah, so I guess what we're doing here in this case...
**Speaker 4**
Richard, I want to add to that.
**Speaker 1**
I'll just say something. I'm just saying get yourself up to here. Know now that you can, and it's really easy, get yourself to here and what are you seeing?
That's all I've really been saying to you guys. What would you have to, or you do it the other way, what would you have to be seeing to take you up to 6? Or take yourself to 6, what are you seeing? What would you have to be seeing to get yourself up to 6.
You can go either way. I don't mind. You won't be arrested for going reverse engineering or the other way around. Okay, this is kind of useful.
Now it's useful for you personally to be able to get yourself motivated to do things. It's also useful for you to be able to do a little thing with this with your clients. Persuasion equation. You can't sit there and go, can you go up to 6, can you go up to 8 for working with me, can you go up to 10, do you really want to work with me?
Okay, how do you feel? You try, you try, but you'd struggle. Persuasion equation. Give John a clap, well done, thank you for that.
So the whole point of showing you that exercise and how easy it is to get yourself motivated is to say when you're doing your three-year and your one-year thing, right, ask yourself out of 10, you know 10 being the top, where am I for what I've just drawn up here and you might say, oh, it's quite good, 6. Okay, change the picture, you know, change what you see to something else until you go, that would be it, 10 out of 10. Because you're more likely
to hit an ambitious thing at 10 out of 10 than you are to hit a thing at 6 out of 10, even if it's easier. Okay, so go for what makes you feel good. There's a reason it makes you feel good. There's a reason your heart's going, that's 10 out of 10, even though it's ambitious. Because probably it's the right thing to do. That's almost, you know, your heart's saying, go for it, go for it, go for it.
Right, I mean, of course you can do it. Is it easy to pick up clients? Pretty much, you just have to know who you're after, and we'll do that in the avatar next. You've got to know sort of roughly what they're thinking so therefore you know what to say to them, and then you put out a bit of a message.
Put out your newsletter to your dirty 30s, you know, double your referrals. It's not that hard. So you can do it, right? So just work out what you actually want to do.
Okay, so remember, get something which is 10 out of 10 here in one year, make it 10 out of 10 here. This is more of a here's what I need to get done in 90 days. So if I get this done in 90 days, I'm on the track and this is, here's what I need to do to get started this week. You don't need a million things.
I'll do three things this week. I'll get those three things done in place. I'll get my newsletter stuff out to String, you know, I'll, I don't know, and two other little things and that's a little thing as well. Okay, so if we got, we're probably still waiting for more paper, but anyway, get started. Okay, so we'll take about half an hour for this. So work out your three-year, your one-year, test it on the 0 to 10 scale.
If it's not 10, take it up and just drill it right down to the three most important things you want to do in the next seven days. Give you clarity, confidence, focus, motivation, confidence. Sweet, you'll walk away with a plan. Let's just do a review of any big insights that people got doing that or anything you want to share.
Let's just share it up here. Yep. Tanya and Jeffrey.
**Speaker 8**
I thought it was really cool to actually write down my three-year vision. I've thought about it a lot. I just never did this type of exercise for going out that far.
So I definitely appreciated that. I mean, you know, talking with Tanya here, we came up with a lot of really cool things that I want to happen.
**Speaker 1**
Great. And did you make it visual and emotional? Did you get a 10 out of 10?
**Speaker 8**
There were 10s all over the board.
**Speaker 1**
Good job. Nice one. Tanya?
**Speaker 6**
For me, I do vision boards, but I haven't ever really taken it out to the three-year vision. And then I also haven't really gone down the list and broken it into the goals and the plan and the strategy. So just getting a little bit more organized instead of, you know, kind of out here in the woo cool idea dreamland.
**Speaker 3**
Well, I like about it it's all on one page, you know, so it's almost like you've got, here's where I am now, here's seven days, it's my target there, here's 90 days, one year, three years. And they all sort of line up because they're on one page. So you don't forget about the bigger one. Yeah, that's kind of cool.
**Speaker 1**
Who's got it? Charles hit us with something profound. Get the camera close up. Okay.
**Speaker 7**
Yeah, I second what they were just saying about how it actually brings everything up to the front. You can see in the long term, because sometimes we usually don't go beyond maybe 90 days or even a year. And to start looking at three years and even five years out, it's quite an eye-opener.
Yeah, I do have, there's a few 10s in there myself, and there's a few other things I found that I'm at a five motivation, which I need. Now right away I started upping my game a little bit here, and right away it starts moving. So it's a really good system. I'm very excited about this.
**Speaker 1**
Fantastic. What's one of your tens? What are you going to be having?
**Speaker 7**
9-11 Porsche Carrera.
**Speaker 1**
Right. Of course. Kurt?
**Speaker 9**
Yeah, that was just one of the things that was really eye-opening for me is that on some of the things in the three-year vision plan, as far as how much to increase the overall company revenue, you logically know that it's really important to do, but sometimes with day in and day out, it's just something that the motivational level of it tends to be at maybe a five. You should do it, set up the strategies to do it, but it just doesn't happen. But just really visualizing not just the money, but the things that you can do with that as far as helping the people in your company, your family, being able to step away from the company and have it run itself, all those different benefits that are not just personal. To me, that got that up to the 10, and that was really quite eye-opening.
Just with the 10, right? I think if you're just trying to do things consciously with your conscious mind, it's almost like it's logical, but it's almost like you're using one leg and you're hopping to where you want to be. As soon as you get yourself up 8, 9, 10, then this other leg comes into play, which is your subconscious. And now you've got two legs, and you can go faster than just twice a hop. It's not a double hop.
You can actually be running. And you've got two legs that can do it now, and you go way faster. So, you know, it's really important to engage this logical and emotional, because you go way faster. Now it's the same for you, it's also the same with your clients.
If you haven't got your clients engaged emotionally in a project, you're missing out on, it might be hard work. Right, good one, David.
**Speaker 11**
I've never really done a vision board before, but I kind of heard about doing the five-year, three-year plan, one-year plan type of things, and I kind of scribble them on a piece of paper, but then I forget about it. I just put it on the side. So this kind of created a little bit better format, you know, kind of put together a board and categorize them, and then having that, you know, little piece of post-it notes just kind of constantly reminding me myself to actually have an extra plan really helps.
**Speaker 1**
Nice job.
**Speaker 12**
So it's kind of been in the back of my mind for a while that I need to like sit down and do some long-range planning. And after the stuff that I got sorted out for myself yesterday as far as how to talk about the work, how to understand what I'm trying to do and be able to express that as a concise idea and all that, I've been pretty excited about moving forward with all that. So the timing for me of sitting down and doing the sort of three-year vision and the 12-month and breaking it down is completely right on perfect today. So my three-year vision at the center of it, it just is like, it says that my practice is transformed and my life is transformed.
And then I've got sort of all the little points around that and my one year is that all my systems are transformed and my life is overhauled. So then, you know, after one year of having marketing system in place, my business system's better shaped than they are and all that stuff, operating that for a few years, it's going to look completely different at that point.
**Speaker 1**
Yeah, it sounds like everybody's got quite a lot out of that actually, doesn't it? You know, a lot of sense of direction. Do you find that when you've got that direction that your confidence goes up and your motivation goes up?
Seeing is believing, isn't it? You've got to sell to yourself first. So if you've got a good vision, it's almost like, I'm buying. I'm buying, yeah, so nice job.
**Speaker 4**
It was a little thing, but I think it's big. I was working on my three-year vision and I see us in this co-working space. Well, earlier this week, I had an interpersonal issue with one of the people with whom we're trying to organize the co-working space.
And I've been pouting about it. And I realized that that stupid thing could stop me from reaching this vision. And I was so motivated all of a sudden to get over it that I couldn't stop myself from whipping out my laptop and writing her an email right now, being like, let's meet up and have coffee, let's just get past this.
**Speaker 1**
Nice job. All right.
**Speaker 13**
I want to get, I don't know, Andrew has something to say or if we're here, I'm going to go to you.
**Speaker 14**
Yeah, I think it's really a really helpful thing to write down as well. What I've got for my big three visions is to have an award-winning, successful, and profitable business. To break that down into the 12-month goals, number one, because we're quite early in the game, it's to get this website up and cranking, all the
architect marketing systems in place with that as well.
I've realized why I'm kind of half putting off a lot of this kind of stuff, it's all focused on really finishing some of these design projects well, and because my own website's in development, I'm kind of subconsciously saying, well, I need to wait until that's sorted out to put the AMS stuff in, and then, and vice versa, kind of putting off doing that, going, no, no, I need to get the AMS stuff sorted out before I can finish off. That's just, I suppose, seeing that it's all kind of linked in to keep on doing those great projects, you need to put the time and effort into all this stuff to allow for those to come along. So anyway, it's a work in progress, but you end up putting so many points down that it's hard to know where to start, but I'm going to, yeah, I've got a few things that I'll be doing before leaving here tomorrow.
**Speaker 1**
Nice job.
**Speaker 15**
We don't do an actual vision board quarterly, but I like that idea. But years ago, I did a thing where we had to write a day in our life five years from now and be really specific. And you start out going, how could I possibly pull that off?
But all the things I wrote down, it was just outrageous, but everything came true. And I think to have a real tangible amount of money that we have or a house that's paid for. The more tangible it can be, the more like a homing device. Your mind is, even if it's not consciously going that way all the time, it's subconsciously knowing what it's going towards.
**Speaker 1**
Very good.
**Speaker 15**
Yeah, it's exciting. But this has been really helpful because each one of us wrote it down. We wouldn't have done it had we not done it right here, we would have gotten to it sometime.
So it was really helpful to get it written down.
**Speaker 16**
In the three-year vision, what I struggle with is meaning in my work. For 25, 30 years, it's been about low carbon footprint design, etc. The world has come to a solution.
Let's put it this way, I stumbled on a solution that really works in terms of low carbon architecture and not just embodied energy but operations. The passive house or the passive building system is global, and there's millions of square feet being built, designed, and built right now with the passive house standard. So, in the three-year vision, having just invested massive time and energy into becoming a certified passive house consultant, which is mainly energy modeling, and passive house builder. I'm saying it would be the leading certified passive house builder in New Mexico, leading certified passive house consultant, and what I call a PhD passive house developer in three years, actually developing model homes for sale.
And so that's three sources of revenue. And then it just goes into detail for me.
**Speaker 1**
Fantastic, well done. We realized writing it down and seeing it, it really makes a difference emotionally. And I had a five in here and Charles got me up to 10. Wow.
**Speaker 1**
Charles is the master. Yeah.
**Speaker 1**
Master manipulator. Alright, John.
**Speaker 2**
I found this to be a very incredibly practical tool. And I've seen lots of goal-setting programs through the years, and I tend to always fall off. So I need to keep this in front of me.
But just the fact that I can get to a 10 and be emotionally committed to a long-term goal, like being able to see it, and then having simple steps for this week, like make this phone call, to just get there. It all starts with a step, and that's powerful to me. So thanks.
**Speaker 1**
You're welcome, well done. Yep, Lorena?
**Speaker 10**
Well this probably sounds silly, but it actually took me back to when I was growing up. My mom would always say, "Mijita, how did the ant eat the elephant?" And you know, one little bite at a time. And it's funny because this took me back to that, because a lot of my goals sometimes feel like elephants, or look like elephants, and I feel like the ant.
So this was a nice way to kind of break it up into bite-size pieces with a little ant.
**Speaker 1**
Good job, all right, everyone give yourselves a clap. |