Blog Archives

Nov 07

The Petrie Method

By support |


  • Welcome
  • Quick Tips
  • Action List
  • Questions

You are smart!

How do I know? Because the average architect will invest 7+ years studying architecture and not even 7 hours learning to sell their services. By committing to this process you are obviously NOT the average architect.

Remember this…

  • Your #1 job is selling architectural services.
  • Your #2 job is providing architectural services.

In this program you’ll be mentored by the world’s #1 architect marketing coach – you can’t get better. I bet you’re excited about starting.





Dec 05

The LCC Method – The Incredible 7 Step Selling System For Architects and Designers

By support |

CLICK HERE for Video Transcript

IMPORTANT NOTE:  To access the LCC Method course via the links in the sidebar, you must first scroll down to the bottom of this page and click the green button "Take this Course". If you do not do this, whenever you click in the sidebar it will return you to this page (which can be confusing, and gets you nowhere). 

If you need any assistance, please email

When you follow the magical LCC Method….

  • Clients magically follow your process for buying, so you don’t have to follow their process for not buying
  • You get paid for what you used to do for free
  • Your prospects get converted into clients in the first meeting

Course Logistics

To start learning and implementing The LCC Method, explore the modules and topics listed below (or on the left hand sidebar).

While you don't have to go in order, we recommend that you follow the sequence so you understand the foundation concepts before you jump into implementation and tactics.

Click the MARK COMPLETE button at the bottom of each page to record that you've gone through the contents of that page. Green dots in the course outline will make it easy to see what you've covered, and what remains for you to complete.

Click HERE or on the image above to download the LCC Method Workbook

NOTE: The LCC Method was formerly called the "Slow Selling System", and you will see references to this name in some of the videos. The system works slowly and deliberately to build rapport and guide potential clients through a process of increasing engagement. Instead of presenting a proposal for a design contract after one or two meetings, The LCC Method teaches you to go step by step through a carefully constructed process that will ultimately win you more projects.

If you have any questions, please email for assistance from our team.

Slack Discussion Workspace

You're invited to join the discussions with other AMI members in our Slack workspace. You get 3 months access to the SIX program Slack group ( as part of your purchase of the LCC Method program.

You should have received instructions in one of your orientation emails.

If you haven't connected yet, simply visit and fill in your email address; you'll be sent an email with a link to set up your account.

Aug 30

Online Lead Generation

By support |

Will Online Advertising and Marketing Pay Off for Your Firm?

The BIG promise with online marketing is, if you nail it, you can literally BUY CLIENTS.

For AMI, when we actively advertise we consistently get architects to opt-in for information and sign up for our webinars. A certain percentage of them will buy our training programs.

We keep track of the numbers, and the ROI works well. We put some money in, and get a lot more money out, while helping more architects like you earn a good living!

Every market and every niche is different.

Can you buy clients like this in your market?
I don't know but it is worth testing!

In this section, we explore different options for paid advertising that could bring in more clients and projects.

Mar 24


By support |

Additional Training Resources for Advanced Architect Marketers


Now that you've graduated from the basic training program, and have implemented your fundamental marketing system of automated offers, you may find these additional training videos of interest.

These resources are grouped into different topic areas. Refer to the sidebar to see the groupings.

This page will always be a work in progress; we will add more training videos over time.

Mar 15


By support |

IMPORTANT: To access the resource materials in this section, please click the small green "Take This Course" button at the bottom of this page.

Welcome to the A-Team Mastermind Program!
A message from Richard Petrie - Chief Marketect

It's exciting times for you and for us having you in our dynamic little community. 

Mastermind members are no longer just clients but become our friends, that is partly why we are so choosey about who gets in. This community is tight.

‘A rising tide lifts all boats on the water’

This is the smartest group of architect marketers in the world. That’s a big bold statement but in my opinion - 100% true. 

Many of our members could teach marketing to other firms. Many have been in the A team for 3 or 4 years, and by connecting with ambitious people focused on what works we have all gotten smarter.

There are huge resources available to you.
Your job is to use what you need,

You can connect with me as often as you like. I am available on Slack for direct messages, you can book weekly calls with me, and we will meet at the live events twice a year. If Eric can answer your questions better, he will make himself available to mastermind members.

Maybe even more powerful is your ability to connect with the other architects in the program, I said they are smart marketers but they are also super generous with their knowledge and time for other members. We all share our best marketing and together the group gets smarter and more effective.

Let's get specific about how to connect with some of the key resources you have access to.

How to work with the Content Writing Team

Each month you are entitled to one article written by Sienna or Annette, our professional writers. 

These wordsmiths will schedule a monthly interview with you and quiz you about a hot topic your ideal market would want to know about. They will head away and create an article you can use on your website, in your newsletter or even as a press release. 

This is an incredible service only available to A Team members.
You can contact both ladies directly on Slack or via email to

How to get access to coaching and feedback from Richard

To book a coaching call with me click below:

To meet with me for our coaching call click below (NEW LINK):

How to get access to our weekly mastermind Q&A session

Each week I host a meeting with other mastermind A Team members. If you want feedback or new ideas this is a hotbed of activity. Many crafty ideas are born in these optional meetings. 

Click below to join us at 12 noon US Pacific time every Tuesday:

Add this to your calendar and make an effort to be on the call as many times each month as possible.

How to to join the MM Slack workspace

If you haven't already connected click here to join the special Mastermind Slack workspace.

Slack is how we interact in between meetings. You can message, me, Eric and our whole team directly or join one of the many chats that spark. You will never be alone again.

Be sure to login regularly - use the Slack app on Mac, Windows, iOS or Android to make it easy.

If you have any questions you can Slack me or the relevant person or email

Great to have you onboard.
 - Richard

Special Note on the SIX Program and the Promotional Toolbox

If you have not built out your full marketing system you are encouraged to go through the Sunshine Island Express (SIX) program to get your fundamental set of landing pages in place. In this 5 minute video Richard explains what is in SIX and the benefits you'll get when you go through that program and start actively using the recipes in the Promotional Toolbox

You can access the SIX training with special privileges as a Mastermind member through the START HERE access in the sidebar of this page. You'll be able to jump to any section you choose, whereas in the standard SIX program access the lessons and pages have to be worked through in order.

Additional Training Resources

Below and in the sidebar you have access to advanced training as well as recordings of the weekly Q&A sessions.

As you go through these trainings and want to implement you can get feedback and advice from Richard in the one on one sessions.

More specialized trainings are added here periodically.

Mar 08

Marketing Vault

By support |

How to Use This Marketing Library

These resources have been kindly contributed by AMI  members. You are free to model what is appropriate for your own business, but please don't just copy them.

If you need any assistance please email





Mar 08

SIX – Commercial (SIX-COMM)

By Eric Bobrow |


You've been accepted to work in our top-secret Design Firm Accelerator Commercial Sub-group (also known as SIX-COMM). This will be fun. 

Please watch the video below for details on the call schedule and next steps!
Call Schedule:

1st + 3rd Thursday of every month @ 10am Pacific US / 1pm Eastern US

Call Login Link:
Create a recurring calendar event and add this URL to it so you always have the login link handy:

Call Recordings:

Write to me at

Mar 06

Promotional Toolbox

By support |

Once you have funnels up and running we need to go into promotion mode.

You are going to learn a number of my favorite promotional recipes. Choose the strategies that suit your personality. If you like to speak then consider public speaking and workshops. If you are shy then stick with writing and less 'out there' strategies.

The key thing is you must do SOMETHING CONSISTENTLY (that means every month).

The secret is to test and measure, test and measure and then test and measure. Let the results guide you.

Why Do You Need to Promote Your Offers?

To access the Promotional Toolbox, you MUST click the green button "TAKE THIS COURSE".
You'll find it near the bottom of the page; that opens up the links to the pages and sections.

OK, Got It. Tell Me How This Works...

CLICK HERE for Video Transcript

On this page you will find all the templates and additional resources that will help you develop your marketing system.

Note that many of the tools in the toolbox only have a single page with a short video or other resource. These tools and ideas are often very simple to implement. As you set up more of them, you will increase the visibility of your firm and improve the effectiveness of your marketing system.



We add in more templates and tools periodically. This collection will continue to grow over time so check back regularly to see the latest additions.

If you need any help, you are best to ask your questions at the weekly Q&A sessions, or post in the Slack 'general' channel or email 

We recommend that you start with the Dirty 30 and Dream Team Directory of Experts, then add in others later.


Nov 08

Sunshine Island Express

By support |


Welcome to the Sunshine Island Express (SIX) + MAPS program.
The good news is, you are going to achieve more in marketing in the next 9 weeks than you have in the past 9 years . By working through these training videos and attending the 2x weekly question and answer sessions, you will fast track your results.

First we get clear about the type of projects you want to win.
Then we will construct FOUR offers (invitations to get help), to attract those type of projects 
Then by using the promotional strategies, you will promote these offers and trigger conversations with your ideal clients BEFORE they need design.

While everyone else is saying 'hire me for design', you will be saying 'here are 4 ways I can help you BEFORE you need design'

...'Who ever educates the market - owns the market'
