LinkedIn for Architects
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I’ve been working with architects and designers 5 days a week for the past 9 years. My 900+ members have tried everything, and I’ve been observing, very closely. I know what works.
Would you deploy these simple strategies, if you knew that each of them is going to earn you an extra $10k in fees this year? Of course you would. I’ve actually seen many do a lot better than this.
What if I also told you that all of them will only take you 90 minutes to deploy?
That would be great wouldn’t it.
Simple strategies, 90 minutes to deploy them all, high ROI, and results within days.
Pretty good investment of your time.
How much would a 10-15% increase in your fees be worth to you? ($10,000-30,000)
Most architect undercharge what they are worth. The client gets rich and the architect gets ripped off. When you set fees based on fear of how the client may react, you are discounting your value. You need stronger answers when the clients questions your fees.
How much extra money would have ended up in your pocket If you had been able to invoice 80% of the out of scope hours you did not charge for last year? ($5,000-30,000)
It staggers me how much out of scope work architects will do for free just to keep everyone else happy.
1) Maybe you fear the argument that unexpected fees might trigger - the client is already complaining about fees, so its just easier to do what needs to be done
2) Or maybe you justify by saying that your reputation is on the line, you need the project done right …so you just do the extra work without charging
Imagine being able to charge for 80% of the hours you currently give away for free now. Your billable hours go up and so does your income.
Once you use the Blue Line Strategy you’ll never go back to your old way.
How much would an unexpected (out of the blue) project be worth to you? ($10,000-90,000)
Send 20 emails in the morning to clients whose projects went ‘on hold' or who just disappeared, and by the afternoon you’ll have a couple of people wanting to open discussions with you again.
This isn’t really magic, its just a numbers game, but you have to ask the question in the right way.
This is it
How much would you earn if you could suddenly win 2-3 dream projects each year, (that you aren’t winning now), because you learned to communicate extreme VALUE like no one else competing against you. ($100,000+)
I bet you are sick of being treated like a commodity, sick of being compared to lower qualified designers who charge less and sick of having to discount your services because you cannot fully explain why you are better (when it should be obvious).Fees are only a problem when value is a mystery. So let’s remove any mystery. Let’s communicate such a quantum leap in value so that your fees and competition become irrelevant.
It is not enough to know you deliver value, you have to be able communicate and prove your value. The FAB Formula is how you do it.
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You’re probably good at what you do.
Maybe even great.
But let me ask you:
So what?
We’re drowning in a sea of good designers and architects, friend. We've got more “great” firms than a dog has fleas. Your potential clients can’t throw a rock without hitting a "competent" firm.
So why the hell should they pick you?
That’s exactly what we’re breaking down in our hard-hitting, no-fluff, 120-minute workshop:
But don’t just take my word for it. Be there. Get your hands dirty. And walk away with a blueprint that will make you the ONLY logical choice for your clients.
To being better than just 'better'!
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Watch this 9 minute video for an introduction and an overview of the system.
To launch the Sunshine Island app, go to and enter your email address and the password you were supplied for the app when the account was set up. If you don't recall the password, you may ask for a password reminder email to be sent, which will allow you to reset the password.
The first time you login to the Sunshine Island app, you will be sent an authentication code via email or SMS text message. Enter that code, and your authentication should be remembered for the next login so you likely won't have to repeat that process.
If you have any problem accessing the Sunshine Island app, email for assistance, or send a direct message to Eric Bobrow via Slack.
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You may navigate through the Special Ops program using the Course Content outline below, or the Navigation area in the sidebar.
The main components of SIX+MAPS itself (LCC Method, SIX+MAPS, Promotional Toolbox, Marketing Vault) may be accessed via the MAP section in the left sidebar, or the menu items at the top of the window.
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You may navigate through the Special Ops program using the Course Content outline below, or the Navigation area in the sidebar.
The main components of SIX+MAPS itself (LCC Method, SIX+MAPS, Promotional Toolbox, Marketing Vault) may be accessed via the MAP section in the left sidebar, or the menu items at the top of the window.
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It staggers me how much out of scope work architects will do for free just to keep everyone else happy.
1) Maybe you fear the argument that unexpected fees might trigger - the client is already complaining about fees, so its just easier to do what needs to be done
2) Or maybe you justify by saying that your reputation is on the line, you need the project done right …so you just do the extra work without charging
Imagine being able to charge for 80% of the hours you currently give away for free now. Your billable hours go up and so does your income.
AMI Mastermind member Bob Murphy (Murphy Partners, Toronto Canada) shares his new approach when clients request out of scope work, based on the Blue Line Strategy. His staff immediately sends them an Additional Services Notice (ASN) explaining why their request is billable as an additional service, which gives them an easy way to sign off and authorize the work for an additional fixed or hourly charge.
In just a short time this has resulted in $100K in additional paid work, with just $2500 challenged; all other instances were quickly approved. Watch this short video as Bob explains the process, and Mastermind members ask for clarifications and make their own comments about this approach.
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If my life was on the line and I had to get you results in less than 30 days, these are the 4 magic tricks I would give you. I’ve been working with architects and designers 5 days a week for the past 9 years. My 600+ members have tried everything …and I’ve been observing, very closely. I know what works.
Would you deploy 4 simple strategies, if you knew that each of them is going to earn you an extra $10k in fees this year? Of course you would. I’ve actually seen many do a lot better than this.
What if I also told you that all 4 only took you 90 minutes to deploy?
That would be great wouldn’t it.
Four simple strategies, 90 minutes to deploy them all, high ROI, and results within 30 days.
Pretty good investment of your time.
As you get fast results, I want you to consider using your new found confidence (in my strategies) and additional income (sitting in your bank account) to work with me to increase your earning trajectory even higher, by joining us in the SIX+MAPs program. If I can help you put an extra $20-40k into your bank account… quickly… then you can pay for more coaching with me with the money I helped you make.
How much would a 10-15% increase in your fees be worth to you? ($10,000-30,000)
Most architect undercharge what they are worth. The client gets rich and the architect gets ripped off. When you set fees based on fear of how the client may react, you are discounting your value. You need stronger answers when the clients questions your fees.
How much extra money would have ended up in your pocket If you had been able to invoice 80% of the out of scope hours you did not charge for last year? ($5,000-30,000)
It staggers me how much out of scope work architects will do for free just to keep everyone else happy.
1) Maybe you fear the argument that unexpected fees might trigger - the client is already complaining about fees, so its just easier to do what needs to be done
2) Or maybe you justify by saying that your reputation is on the line, you need the project done right …so you just do the extra work without charging
Imagine being able to charge for 80% of the hours you currently give away for free now. Your billable hours go up and so does your income.
Once you use the Blue Line Strategy you’ll never go back to your old way.
How much would an unexpected (out of the blue) project be worth to you? ($10,000-90,000)
Send 20 emails in the morning to clients whose projects went ‘on hold' or who just disappeared, and by the afternoon you’ll have a couple of people wanting to open discussions with you again.
This isn’t really magic, its just a numbers game, but you have to ask the question in the right way.
This is it
How much would you earn if you could suddenly win 2-3 dream projects each year, (that you aren’t winning now), because you learned to communicate extreme VALUE like no one else competing against you. ($100,000+)
I bet you are sick of being treated like a commodity, sick of being compared to lower qualified designers who charge less and sick of having to discount your services because you cannot fully explain why you are better (when it should be obvious).Fees are only a problem when value is a mystery. So let’s remove any mystery. Let’s communicate such a quantum leap in value so that your fees and competition become irrelevant.
It is not enough to know you deliver value, you have to be able communicate and prove your value. The FAB Formula is how you do it.
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Recently we ran a test. We asked people to refer others to our introductory marketing webinar. As a reward both the attendee and the referrer are offered completely free access to the first 3 modules of the SIX+MAPS program.
SIX+MAPS are the 9 steps that win you better projects.
SIX is a short cut for Sunshine Island Express and Sunshine Island is the quadrant where architects are able to win projects they love at the fees they deserve.
You are obviously an action taker and you clearly want to do better. Please enjoy these first three modules, and make a commitment now to deploy what you learn.
Great ideas only change your life when you take action.
Of course as an action taker and someone who likes short cuts to success, I am going to bet that as you go through these three modules you are going to ask yourself ONE important question.
I mean all 9 steps not just the first three.
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Watch this video to discover how to begin the Sunshine Island Express (SIX+MAPS) training program.
Most architects have no idea how to attract the RIGHT clients with the RIGHT message, so very soon, you are going to have a real competitive advantage.
Think about the type of projects and clients you want, then let's build. a system to get them.
Right-click this SIX+MAPS Workbook PDF and Save to your computer, and print it out as a reference.
These MAPS will be your guide to the program.
At the beginning, these MAPS will be somewhat mysterious and confusing. As you go through the videos, you'll see how everything fits together.
SIX Road Map Checklist << Right-click to Open Document in New Tab, then use File menu > Make a Copy.
NOTE: You need to be logged in to your Google account in order to make a copy.
Your outcome is to set goals, define a great niche and build 4 funnels to attract, convert and get referred with those projects.
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Tough times like now can create ‘stinking thinking’.
ENOUGH - while stinking thinking is natural for most people it is not useful.
Let’s end the worry and self pity, it’s time to roll your sleeves up and make your mind strong.
When your mind is strong you can take advantage of the amazing opportunities that pass you by every day.
Now could be BOOM times for you if you are mentally ready to strike.
Your Mental Skills Coach
Before I trained architects to win better projects I trained professional sports people how to use their mind to get better results on the sports field. My first client was me. I learned how to stop ‘stinking thinking’ and apply the new high performance thinking patterns that I discovered.
By learning these skills I went from a struggling amateur who blamed others for my lack of success to an international competitor and professional sportsman within 2 years playing around the world.
Then when I went into business I struggled until I remembered the thinking patterns I’d used to be a success in sport and wondered if I could adapt them for selling. Turns out you could.
After struggling for 18 months to make budget I went from bottom of the pack to the #1 salesperson nationwide, exceeding my yearly budget in the first 3 months of the new year. The company then asked me to teach the rest of the sales team in my local branch whatever it was I was doing. The entire team all recorded their best ever month within 3 months. Sounds too good to be true but it is 100% true. The mind is amazing when it is moved into 5th gear.
Join me over 4 weeks and I will GIVE you my secret high performance thinking patterns to try yourself.
We're offering this webinar series free to the architectural community as our contribution to help each of you weather the crisis in the most constructive fashion possible.
These patterns of thinking are simple and can be applied from day 1. You will master each pattern in one session. As I said there is no cost for this training, I just want to see our community generating success in tough times.
With our LCC method and the SIX program [the Architect Marketing Institute marketing training and implementation programs] you have the right sales and marketing road map… now you just need to get the best out of yourself so you can apply what you have. This training will be unlike anything you have ever experienced before (unless you have won gold at the Olympics).
You are going to learn and then drill in FOUR high performance thinking patterns into your mind to program yourself for success.
When I taught these high performance thinking patterns in the past I constantly get people coming back to me years later saying they still use them because they are SO powerful.
Life is tough right now but these high performance thinking patterns are tougher. Let me give you my secrets and help you drill them in over 4 powerful sessions. This training is our gift to those who need some X-Factor right now.
When you change your mind you can change anything.
This 3 minute video quickly summarizes the high performance thinking patterns covered so far in sessions 1 and 2.
If you have any questions about the mind targeting sessions, please post them on the private Architect Marketing Institute Facebook group page. If you are not a member, simply request access and you will be accepted.
It's important when you work on any program that you get clear about what you want to achieve.
We ran a goal setting session for SIX members recently using a unique method. BOOOOM!!!
Watch the video and do the exercise yourself. It is life changing to have a REAL 100/100 goal.
DOWNLOAD: Goal Setting Worksheet
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Tough times like now can create ‘stinking thinking’.
ENOUGH - while stinking thinking is natural for most people it is not useful.
Let’s end the worry and self pity, it’s time to roll your sleeves up and make your mind strong.
When your mind is strong you can take advantage of the amazing opportunities that pass you by every day.
Now could be BOOM times for you if you are mentally ready to strike.
Your Mental Skills Coach
Before I trained architects to win better projects I trained professional sports people how to use their mind to get better results on the sports field. My first client was me. I learned how to stop ‘stinking thinking’ and apply the new high performance thinking patterns that I discovered.
By learning these skills I went from a struggling amateur who blamed others for my lack of success to an international competitor and professional sportsman within 2 years playing around the world.
Then when I went into business I struggled until I remembered the thinking patterns I’d used to be a success in sport and wondered if I could adapt them for selling. Turns out you could.
After struggling for 18 months to make budget I went from bottom of the pack to the #1 salesperson nationwide, exceeding my yearly budget in the first 3 months of the new year. The company then asked me to teach the rest of the sales team in my local branch whatever it was I was doing. The entire team all recorded their best ever month within 3 months. Sounds too good to be true but it is 100% true. The mind is amazing when it is moved into 5th gear.
Join me over 4 weeks and I will GIVE you my secret high performance thinking patterns to try yourself.
We're offering this webinar series free to the architectural community as our contribution to help each of you weather the crisis in the most constructive fashion possible.
These patterns of thinking are simple and can be applied from day 1. You will master each pattern in one session. As I said there is no cost for this training, I just want to see our community generating success in tough times.
With our LCC method and the SIX program [the Architect Marketing Institute marketing training and implementation programs] you have the right sales and marketing road map… now you just need to get the best out of yourself so you can apply what you have. This training will be unlike anything you have ever experienced before (unless you have won gold at the Olympics).
You are going to learn and then drill in FOUR high performance thinking patterns into your mind to program yourself for success.
When I taught these high performance thinking patterns in the past I constantly get people coming back to me years later saying they still use them because they are SO powerful.
Life is tough right now but these high performance thinking patterns are tougher. Let me give you my secrets and help you drill them in over 4 powerful sessions. This training is our gift to those who need some X-Factor right now.
When you change your mind you can change anything.
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You are smart!
How do I know? Because the average architect will invest 7+ years studying architecture and not even 7 hours learning to sell their services. By committing to this process you are obviously NOT the average architect.
Remember this…
In this program you’ll be mentored by the world’s #1 architect marketing coach – you can’t get better. I bet you’re excited about starting.
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To start learning and implementing The LCC Method, explore the modules and topics listed below (or on the left hand sidebar).
While you don't have to go in order, we recommend that you follow the sequence so you understand the foundation concepts before you jump into implementation and tactics.
Click the MARK COMPLETE button at the bottom of each page to record that you've gone through the contents of that page. Green dots in the course outline will make it easy to see what you've covered, and what remains for you to complete.
Click HERE or on the image above to download the LCC Method Workbook
NOTE: The LCC Method was formerly called the "Slow Selling System", and you will see references to this name in some of the videos. The system works slowly and deliberately to build rapport and guide potential clients through a process of increasing engagement. Instead of presenting a proposal for a design contract after one or two meetings, The LCC Method teaches you to go step by step through a carefully constructed process that will ultimately win you more projects.
If you have any questions, please email for assistance from our team.
You're invited to join the discussions with other AMI members in our Slack workspace. You get 3 months access to the SIX program Slack group ( as part of your purchase of the LCC Method program.
You should have received instructions in one of your orientation emails.
If you haven't connected yet, simply visit and fill in your email address; you'll be sent an email with a link to set up your account.
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The BIG promise with online marketing is, if you nail it, you can literally BUY CLIENTS.
For AMI, when we actively advertise we consistently get architects to opt-in for information and sign up for our webinars. A certain percentage of them will buy our training programs.
We keep track of the numbers, and the ROI works well. We put some money in, and get a lot more money out, while helping more architects like you earn a good living!
Every market and every niche is different.
Can you buy clients like this in your market?
I don't know but it is worth testing!
In this section, we explore different options for paid advertising that could bring in more clients and projects.