Watch this before you do the goal setting exercises...
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Every human is driven by certain subconscious forces that influence their decisions and therefore their destiny.
These 6 human needs developed by Peak Performance coach Tony Robbins will help you understand why you are like you are, and why you do the things you do.
When you link your goals to your highest values you set your mind on fire.
CONTRIBUTION/MAKE A DIFFERENCE – I love seeing happy Clients
(UNCERTAINTY)/VARIETY/FREEDOM – I cannot stay stuck in a rut. I can never do the same things day in and day out – my system rebels!!!
ACHIEVEMENT/SUCCESS – not necessarily glory and fame, – achievement can be overcoming a block, or understanding something new, aquiring a new skill, knowing a client is happy, completing a task on time… these are linked to growth and to making a difference
LOVE/CONNECTION – I cannot do good work without feeling love for my clients.
1. Growth/
2. make a difference – interchangeable in position 1 with growth
3. variety/freedom
4. achievement success
5. love/connection
6. certainty/security