30 Day Check-In – Special Ops 2

By support

Mar 06

Special Ops 30 Day Check-In - March 8, 2023

WEDNESDAY at 12 noon US Pacific Time

  • 3 pm EST (New York)
  • 8 pm GMT (London)
  • 7 am THURSDAY (Melbourne)
  • 9 am THURSDAY (Auckland)



If that "Pretty Link" doesn't work, you can use this "raw" Zoom link instead:

If you have any issues or need assistance, email support@archmarketing.org or send a direct message to Richard or Eric in Slack.

BELOW: Richard describes the purpose of the session, and outlines the Remarkable prize for best results within the first 30 days of the program.

30 Day Check-In Survey

If you haven't already done so, please answer a few quick questions:
Click here for 2 minute survey >>>

During the meeting, we will award prizes based on results achieved in the first 30 days, as well as the most interesting stories about how members have started to use the SIX+MAPS strategies, or how it's changed their mentality or attitude or the way they approach discussions with clients.


  1. Review success stories 
  2. Analyze why people were successful 
  3. Award prizes to the best results or stories

In this session we will find out how everyone is progressing, swap learnings, answer questions and celebrate wins.

We don't expect huge results this soon, however some members are already winning LCC's!


  • April 12 - 60 Day Check-In - NEW TIME: 1 pm PDT (US Pacific)
  • May 10 - 90 Day Wrap up plus Awards - 1 pm PDT (US Pacific)

About the Author
